There is a wealth of learning, educational and training opportunities available, irrespective of where you are, on your own genomics journey.

This page has been developed to signpost nursing professionals to relevant resources and opportunities, including Higher Education, available across the North West and nationally.

Below are three examples of education and training resources for specific conditions and areas of practice, available on this site and via the quick links shown below. 

We hope that the range of support available is aligned to From Novice to Expert (Benner, 1982), and the five stages of proficiency within the novice to expert model: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert.

We regularly hold and record webinars via Microsoft Teams, with some recordings available to watch below.

We would value your feedback on any future events and topics that you would like to see covered, so to share your thoughts, please click here to complete our quick 60 second survey. 

Within the webinar,  Dr Saghira Malik Sharif, referenced her published paper  'Enhancing inclusion of diverse populations in genomics' PDF, which is avaialble to view here. 

This webinar is the latest in the 'From Niche to Necessity' series designed for nursing and midwifery profressionals.  




The first of our regional webinars, following the very successful national series in the summer of 2021.


NHS England's Genomics Unit commissioned a 2-year Nursing and Midwifery Transformation Programme, led by Dr. Naomi Chapman and Dr. Emma Tonkin, with the aim of exploring nursing and midwifery inputs across seven cancer or rare disease clinical pathways, to broaden genomic knowledge and skills within NHS mainstream care, and improve quality of outcomes and experience for patients and their families. 

For more information, please visit our National Lung Cancer project page which includes a wide range of information and resources.

Health Education England's Genomics Education Programme (GEP) have recently announced that their Nursing Educator’s Toolkit has received endorsement from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).

The toolkit, developed with representatives from nursing practice, policy, and education, was created to help educators embed genomics into their pre-registration teaching. The toolkit will now appear alongside other endorsed resources on the RCN website.

The toolkit is a case study-based resource that aimsto demonstrate that genomics can be applied across many different fields and clinical situations within nursing practice.  Each case study is mapped to the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses, and annotated with prompts that provide guidance for educators to widen the discussion.

For more information about the toolkit, please take a look at the FAQs available on the Genomic Education Programme website.

There are fully funded postgraduate courses available from single master’s modules to full master’s programmes with choices of studying face-to-face or online only (as at August 2022).:


A Master’s Module in Genomic and Counselling Skills for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals

Delivered by the University of the West of England Department of Applied Sciences in collaboration NHS partners from the South West Genomic Laboratory Hub (SW GLH), the West of England Genomic Medicine Centre (WE GMC), the HEE Genomics Education Programme, and Macmillan Cancer Care. The module aims to introduce key areas of genomics, human genetics, and genetic variation in the field of cancer, rare genetic conditions, and infectious diseases.

For further information visit: Bristol UWE - Module specifications - GENOMIC AND COUNSELLING SKILLS FOR NURSES AND HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALSy


Master’s Degree in Genomic Medicine

Delivered by The University Manchester in the North West, individual modules can be studied on an assessed or non-assessed basis. Students either choose to take assessments and gain accreditation, or as an alternative, only attend face-to-face university lectures without the requirement to carry out self-directed study outside of the sessions, complete assignments and or sit exams.


PGCert in Genomics: Genomic conversation, research, and evaluation skills

Delivered by the University of West England (Bristol) this online course prepares nurses and midwives the skills and knowledge to confidently support individuals and families impacted by a genetic condition. It helps develop communication skills required to support individuals and families undergoing genomic testing.

Beyond this, the course equips students with the more in-depth skills and knowledge to embed genomic medicine into every day clinic practice.


Haemochromatosis elearning module

An elearning module is available on genetic haemochromatosis. The learning and development initiative is accredited by the Royal College of Nursing, for 4 CPD hours.  The module provides an overview of genetic haemochromatosis, including the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and management of the conditon.  Upon successful completion of the module and post coure assessment, Haemochromatosis UK will issue a certificate of completion, for 4 CPD hours.   To access the module and other nursing resources, please visit

Future Learn platform offers a selection of additional courses related to genomics and can be accessed via:

From short bitesize learning videos and animations, through to formal Higher Educational Institutes education modules, there is something for everyone at NHS England's e-learning for healthcare (elfh). If you are a genomics novice, the Genomics online bitesize modules are a great place to start.  

Follow the link to register for your free healthcare hub account: HEE elfh Hub ( or


Want to know more about Midwifery & Genomics?

For midwifery-specific information visit NHS England's Genomic Education Programme (GEP) via the link:


Genomic Education Programme (GEP) Master’s in Genomic Medicine framework is a flexible educational programme designed to provide healthcare professionals with a multidisciplinary perspective on genomics and its applications in healthcare. Individuals can undertake continued personal and professional development (CPPD) modules, a postgraduate certificate or diploma, or a full master’s degree. NHS professionals can apply for course funding.

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses (2018) document sets out the proficiencies grouped into seven platforms.

Genomics features within two platforms; Platform 2 Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health and Platform 3 Assessing Needs and Planning Care.

These standards indicate the genomic knowledge proficiency newly registered nurses must demonstrate, demonstrate, highlighting how genomics is being embedded into routine nursing practice.